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Meet the maker

About Linda

Born and raised in northwestern Wyoming, Linda left for 40 years to pursue a career and family but always dreamed about returning to her roots.  She learned to spin from her mother in the late 1970's and bought her own loom and spinning wheel. But who has time to pursue creative passions while caught up in practical matters?  


After many years of pursuing a professional career, Linda moved back to Wyoming after retirement to explore her creative energy. Returning to the skills her mother taught her, Linda began working with wool.


She finds wool to be an amazing, versatile fiber that works well with techniques such as felting and fulling knitted or woven fabrics, nuno felting onto silk, needle felting wool pictures and adornments onto hats, bags, etc. Wyoming's beautiful high mountains, valleys, wild flowers, rivers and lakes provide inspiration on a daily basis. 

"Everything is an experiment"

- Linda's outlook on her creative process

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